About ZYXverse

ZYXverse Initiative is a new Initiative in the ZYX Network to attract game projects and help at an early stage to simplify the integration of new projects into one network, where the player gets the most interesting experience.

And today we would like to designate a problem that appeared too quickly and which was mentioned earlier as promising, but the field of P2e, as well as NFT games, has developed very quickly. And this problem went unnoticed.

And if today we do not begin to discuss any possibilities for unification and standards in this area, we risk ending up in the same place where the crypto industry in general is today. Where are the ideas and tasks described by Satoshi, today, and in the past, have not been heard. And each large project does everything as it sees fit, and then begins to come up with unification, launch bridges with different levels of automation or code relays from EVM to RUST, etc.

The problem that we would like to remind you about is the unification of games and game universes by transferring nft similar game attributes from one game to another. After all, this, as it seemed to us, was the main advantage of blockchain games. When a player decides what exactly to keep and develop in the game, and not a centralized company or an admin in the game. When a player violates some new social rule, he can lose everything that he has achieved in the game and lose all his progress or items after the ban.

I propose to introduce a standardization format for game nft so that new game makers can easily implement collections and attributes of other games to themselves and thereby increase the turnover of nft items for the creator of one game and give a new experience to the player in the second game. All 3 parties benefit from this, but I will write about the economic components below.

We are ready to help projects that use the ZYXverse Open Graph EIP tags format through the ZYXverse hub (analog of the Steam application) publishing the game in our application, as well as with the incubation and subsequent maintenance of teams and their projects.

Also, game creators will be able to use a specially developed SDK in order to check the compatibility of their attribute formats with the ZYXverse Open Graph EIP. And if the format has already been created earlier, then use simple and understandable interpreters to add to the catalog and interact with other games in the same network and universe.

We’d love to hear from you about this idea and our endeavor.


Roman Saidulin co-founder and CEO Timeus Lab



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